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 --------------- 29ª JORNADA ---------------

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Santi Cuervito
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Santi Cuervito

Cantidad de envíos : 48595
Edad : 31
Equipo : VCF y CASLA
Localización: : --------------- 29ª JORNADA --------------- Sapain14
Fecha de inscripción : 09/07/2008

--------------- 29ª JORNADA --------------- Empty
MensajeTema: --------------- 29ª JORNADA ---------------   --------------- 29ª JORNADA --------------- EmptyDom 2 Jun 2013 - 22:59

CA Osasuna 1 - 0 Twente FC
Baiano (27) Demidov (sent off 25)
Zeefuik (sent off 27)

Yosi_Benayoun (CA Osasuna) (man of the match)
HT: 1-0
Montpellier Herault 0 - 1 Shakhtar Donetsk
Jadson (4)

Jadson (Shakhtar Donetsk) (man of the match)
HT: 0-1
Santos 1 - 2 Aston Villa
N_Bendtner (16) Jason_Koumas (14)
Shaun_Maloney (64)

Shaun_Maloney (Aston Villa) (man of the match)
HT: 1-1
Real Betis 1 - 1 Swansea
S_Distin (12 og) John_Utaka (72)

John_Utaka (Swansea) (man of the match)
HT: 1-0
Recreativo Huelva 0 - 3 Newcastle
Ismael_Blanco (15)
Michael_Owen (21)
Elano (69)

Michael_Owen (Newcastle) (man of the match)
HT: 0-2
Manchester City 3 - 3 Saint Etienne
Agüero (19,54) Amara_Diane (43,69)
Doni (injured 38) S_Bocchetti (45 og)
Simão (44)

M_Sall (Saint Etienne) (man of the match)
HT: 2-2
West Ham 1 - 2 Manchester United
Cameron (79) Lionel_Messi (11)
E_Eboue (sent off 33)
Wayne_Rooney (81 pen)

Lionel_Messi (Manchester United) (man of the match)
HT: 0-1
Celtic Glasgow 0 - 4 Málaga CF
A_Tettey (25)
Duda (45,62)
Ricardo_Costa (76)

Duda (Málaga CF) (man of the match)
HT: 0-2
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--------------- 29ª JORNADA ---------------

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