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 --------------- 22ª JORNADA ---------------

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Santi Cuervito
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Santi Cuervito

Cantidad de envíos : 48595
Edad : 31
Equipo : VCF y CASLA
Localización: : --------------- 22ª JORNADA --------------- Sapain14
Fecha de inscripción : 09/07/2008

--------------- 22ª JORNADA --------------- Empty
MensajeTema: --------------- 22ª JORNADA ---------------   --------------- 22ª JORNADA --------------- EmptyMar 19 Abr 2011 - 1:25

RCD Mallorca 0 - 3 Bayern Munich
Kew_Jaliens (sent off 4) Khizanishvili (46 og)
R_Hilbert (59)
F_Torres (82)

Krzynowek (Bayern Munich) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
Tottenham 0 - 1 AC Milan
Gökhan_Gönül (injured 18) Wagner_Love (36)
Assou_Ekotto (sent off 83) Marko_Babic (sent off 90)

Kaká (AC Milan) (man of the match)
HT: 0-1
Wigan Athletic 4 - 2 Dinamo Kiev
N_Mitea (2,73,80) M_Shatskikh (36 pen)
Piquionne (37) S_Henchoz (47)

N_Mitea (Wigan Athletic) (man of the match)
HT: 2-2
Sao Paulo 0 - 2 Olympique Marsella
F_Fazio (injured 65) Nikola_Zigic (67)
P_Feindouno (74)

Nikola_Zigic (Olympique Marsella) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
Olympique Lyon 2 - 0 Real Murcia
Luis_García (44) Matthias_Abel (sent off 76)
Mate_Bilic (45)
V_Der_Heyden (sent off 51)
N_Belhadj (injured 60)

P_Trochowski (Olympique Lyon) (man of the match)
HT: 2-0
Dinamo Moscu 0 - 0 Liverpool
Denis_Kolodin (sent off 82)

Anton_Shunin (Dinamo Moscu) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
Torino 0 - 0 Empoli
Daniel_Haas (injured 25)
A_Dossena (injured 45)

Jonathan_Reis (Empoli) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
Standard Lieja 0 - 1 Everton
Leon_Osman (48)

Leon_Osman (Everton) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
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--------------- 22ª JORNADA ---------------

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