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Santi Cuervito
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Loco por LVM
Santi Cuervito

Cantidad de envíos : 48596
Edad : 31
Equipo : VCF y CASLA
Localización: : ---------------IDA OCTAVOS----------------- Sapain14
Fecha de inscripción : 09/07/2008

---------------IDA OCTAVOS----------------- Empty
MensajeTema: ---------------IDA OCTAVOS-----------------   ---------------IDA OCTAVOS----------------- EmptyLun 22 Oct 2018 - 22:50

Hamburgo SV 1 - 0 Sao Paulo
Mandzukic (34 pen)

Boka (Hamburgo SV) (man of the match)
HT: 1-0
Olympiakos 6 - 2 AS Monaco
Gaetan_Bong (6) Jose_Gaya (1)
Nolito (10,18,19,20,29) A_Martial (13)

Nolito (Olympiakos) (man of the match)
HT: 6-2
Valencia 2 - 0 Sampdoria
Ribery (11) I_Konaté (injured 26)
D_Mbokani (22)

D_Mbokani (Valencia) (man of the match)
HT: 2-0
Anderlecht 2 - 2 Everton
Hulk (8) Bernard (37)
D_Praet (23) R_Lukaku (54)

Bernard (Everton) (man of the match)
HT: 2-1
Villarreal 4 - 1 Real Zaragoza
M_Boussoufa (21) Matias_Suárez (66)
W_Bony (31,53,60)

W_Bony (Villarreal) (man of the match)
HT: 2-0
Tottenham 3 - 0 Stuttgart
De_Bruyne (30) C_Bravo (injured 16)
L_Vietto (48)
A_Schürrle (63)

A_Schürrle (Tottenham) (man of the match)
HT: 2-0
Napoles 0 - 0 Fiorentina
P_Osvaldo (sent off 48) G_Medel (sent off 50)

Vitolo (Napoles) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
Spartak Moscu 0 - 1 Paris Saint Germain
E_Khacheridi (77 og)

P_Wernbloom (Spartak Moscu) (man of the match)
HT: 0-0
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